It has been a while since my last post to the PegaWave blog. A quick update is in order. In 2010, my company, Knowledge Rules was purchased by Accenture to form the core of new dedicated Pegasystems Practice. I spent the next two years helping to root and grow the practice globally. If you enjoy the thinking embodied in my posts below, Accenture's Pegasystems Practice is an organization you will want to get to know. In keeping with Accenture's policies and culture, during my tenure there my blogging was reserved for an internal audience only. Now that I am returned to the entrepreneurial world, I will begin to post again though I am contemplating whether PegaWave is still appropriate. These days I am exploring the world of Open Source tools and SaaS models; extending my BPM and Rules skills into new areas of technical innovation. I will keep you posted!
Pega CTO: BPM for the Technology Practitioner
Postings on technology and workplace culture for executives transforming their organizations with BPM.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Rules Governance Framework: 4 Phases
Rules Governance is a specific form of corporate governance applied to ensure consistency and predictability of an organizations approach to managing fundamental business rules. Rules governance is just emerging as a concern within forward-thinking organizations that recognize that business rules at the core of a company's operational performance and must be managed to:
- minimize risks of non-compliance with regulatory and legal procedures and
- maximize the competitive advantage of business practice intellectual property.
Business rules are the guiding principles behind every transaction between an organization and it's key stakeholders--external; customers, suppliers, and shareholders, as well as internal; divisions, departments, individuals. Business rules need not be embodied in a computer system, though clearly, our majority focus is on doing so in the best possible fashion. Business rule implementations may be just as effectively implemented by documenting them in training and SOP documents as in encoding them in an IT application. So, rules governance does not immediately suggest that IT is involved. Rules Engines are the most highly evolved repository for business rule embodiment. However, one must consider that not all business rules are suitable for embodiment in software and indeed not all businesses are prepared to begin to solidifying business rules into software.
So, as business leaders become aware of the importance of managing fundamental business rules as strategic assets, Rules Governance practices will evolve. To begin our exploration of the rules governance practice, we require a few simple tools to allow us to frame-up the domain.
Rules Governance is a process--ideally, an iterative process--which seeks to unearth common business practices and facts, bring them into focus for management, enrich them through re engineering, and finally to ensure their usage in the proper business contexts.
So, roughly, there are 4 phases of the iterative Rules Governance process:
- Discover
- Document
- Design
- Deploy
The Discover and Document Phases are alike in that they are best owned by the Business Operations staff, while Design and Deployment are best owned by Business Engineering (see Rules Governance Framework: 2 Partners). The Discovery and Deployment phases should encourage broad participation in an organization; to achieve buy-in and ensure completeness. Document and Design phases, on the other hand, require small audiences of accountable individuals to avoid excessive analysis and the traps of consensus decision making.
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Labels: governance, harvesting, methodology, rules
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork Illustrated: GetNextWorkCriteria
GetNextWorkCriteria is the process used to determine which of a group of candidate assignments will be chosen to display to a user.
This standard mechanism for selecting the best candidate from a list applies regardless of the method chosen (see prior posts) to build the candidate list. The standard decision tree Assign-.GetNextWorkCriteria is applied to each assignment found, highest urgency first. Any assignments that have a pyActionTime in the future, those that require skills (pxSkillsRequired) that the current operator does not hold, assignments already worked on by this operator today (a local action), and those that cannot be locked (and so may be in use by others) are dropped as candidates.
Labels: Get Most Urgent, Get Next Work, PRPC, Work Routing
Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork Illustrated: WBF, DWBU
The Next Option is the WorkBasket First, Dynamic WorkBasket Union (WBF, DWBU) Method
This method is the most performance hungry of the Work Assignment Push options.
* System Settings rule GetNextWork_WorkBasketUrgencyThreshold is ignored.
Labels: Get Most Urgent, Get Next Work, PRPC, Work Routing
Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork Illustrated: WBF, WBU
The Next Option is the WorkBasket First, WorkBasket Union (WBF, WBU) Method
* System Settings rule GetNextWork_WorkBasketUrgencyThreshold is ignored.
Labels: Get Most Urgent, Get Next Work, PRPC, Work Routing
Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork Illustrated: WBF, WBD
The Next Option is the WorkBasket First, WorkBasket Divided (WBF, WBD) Method
Labels: Get Most Urgent, Get Next Work, PRPC, Work Routing
Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork Illustrated: WLF, WBD
This is the first in a series of posts that explode and illustrate the Online Help Article entitled "Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork". The work is derivative from Pega's source publication.
Each time a user completes an assignment, your application can select and provide another assignment for that user to work on next. By choosing the best, most appropriate assignment to work on next, your application can promote user productivity, timeliness of processing, and customer satisfaction.
If your application does not provide automated support for this choice, a user can arbitrarily or intentionally choose an assignment to work on next that does not contribute as directly to organizational objectives. While every assignment needs to be completed eventually, the order that users process work is an important factor in the management of service operations.
Process Commander provides an easily tuned set of facilities that match users to open assignments. These facilities consider user authority, skills, and urgency of the work object. Much of the sorting and selection occurs through efficient SQL operations on the PegaRULES database.
Labels: Get Most Urgent, Get Next Work, PRPC, Work Routing