Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork Illustrated: WLF, WBD

This is the first in a series of posts that explode and illustrate the Online Help Article entitled "Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork". The work is derivative from Pega's source publication.

Each time a user completes an assignment, your application can select and provide another assignment for that user to work on next. By choosing the best, most appropriate assignment to work on next, your application can promote user productivity, timeliness of processing, and customer satisfaction.

If your application does not provide automated support for this choice, a user can arbitrarily or intentionally choose an assignment to work on next that does not contribute as directly to organizational objectives. While every assignment needs to be completed eventually, the order that users process work is an important factor in the management of service operations.

Process Commander provides an easily tuned set of facilities that match users to open assignments. These facilities consider user authority, skills, and urgency of the work object. Much of the sorting and selection occurs through efficient SQL operations on the PegaRULES database.

In most situations, users are directed to click the Get Most Urgent button on the navigation panel of the Process Work workspace. This button starts an activity that can examine the contents of worklists, workbaskets, and other factors to retrieve an assignment. (The button may also appear on a confirmation form, and may have a different text label.)

If you have implemented no customizations or parameter settings, Process Commander performs the following internal operations:

The Default is the Worklist First, WorkBasket Divided (WLF, WBD) Method

  1. A user clicks the "Get Most Urgent" button.

  2. The button click starts the standard activity Work-.GetNextWork. This simple activity calls the final standard activity Work-.GetNextWorkObject.

  3. The GetNextWorkObject examines a property pyWorkBasketFirst for the user. If False, the system calls the standard activity Work-.findAssignmentinWorklist first.

  4. The Assignments from the Worklist are considered (see GetNextWorkCriteria below) and processed.

  5. Next GetNextWorkObject calls the standard activity Work.findAssignmentinWorkbasket.

  6. The Work-.findAssignmentInWorkbasket activity considers as candidates the assignments in workbaskets listed on this tab for this operator. If the Merge workbaskets? check box is not checked, workbaskets are considered in the order they appear on the Work Access tab.

  7. The Assignments whose .pxUrgencyAssign value is greater than or equal to the System Settings rule GetNextWork_WorkBasketUrgencyThreshold are considered (see GetNextWorkCriteria below) and processed in WorkBasket and Urgency order.

  8. The Assignments whose .pxUrgencyAssign value is less than the System Settings rule GetNextWork_WorkBasketUrgencyThreshold are then considered (see GetNextWorkCriteria below) and processed in WorkBasket and Urgency order.


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