How far the future? The Road Ahead.
Futurists look to the horizons of time to predict and prognosticate about the conditions that will prevail for the next generation. These predictions are certainly of interest, but useful? When Futurists inspire businesses to look forward--to take interest in things beyond today's bottom-line--these pictures of the future are useful; but no further. Our clients make money not by looking to the horizon, but by keeping their eyes on the road just ahead.
How far ahead? In our business, advising and executing on business enablement through technology, we focus on a time just at the edge of a potential project's implementation span: between 3 months to 3 years ahead. This time-scale may not seem like the stuff of Nostradamus, but this scale defines the zone where businesses may capture the greatest total value by taking the least risk (see NPV). Looking to this time-scale allows us to launch initiatives today that are appropriate for tomorrow--appropriate meaning that the technologies involved are ripe and that the business environment is staged for competitive advantage. In our unique position at KR, we travel both of these roads, who better to accurately predict their intersection?
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