Monday, October 20, 2008

PegaWORLD Day 2: Key Themes

Listening to Alan Trefler, CEO of Pegasystems talk about what makes Pega special as a company, as a product, as a community is always inspiring. Every year, listening to the keynote presentations gives me reason to feel heartened about our mission and our alignment with Pegasystems as an organization. It also reminds me that there are overarching themes in our work that tend to get lost in the daily grind of project life. These are the major themes that Pega is featuring this year.

  • Intent-driven User Experience – PRPC is not just a web application development environment. It is tuned to create directive processes which move a user and a task through specific focused steps along a well-defined path toward process completion. It is both constraining AND freeing. We need to remind ourselves that this is what BPM is about...enabling organizations to define and repeatably execute processes. This intent-driven approach to systems design is a radical shift for most users, but it is special and powerful.
  • Process Automation – PRPC is not just about Process Management. Managed, intend-driven processes are important, but equally important is the application of automation of redundant tasks to remove the time and cost of their performance from the business model. The stand-out customers this year are presenting bold metrics that talk about taking 14 day processes to 14 minute processes—this transformation doesn't happen by simply putting prettier screens in front of the end-users. We need to make certain that we are thinking about using the machine's broad shoulders to lift the process burden from the backs of the user community—businesses can be transformed by this effect

We need rededicate ourselves to evangelizing these approaches in our engagements. We should not only be using the tools more skillfully than our competition, our vision for our customer's businesses needs to be complete. Our vision needs to be shared and realized. In so doing, we unlock the value trapped in the operations of the businesses and reinforce that our value transcends the speed of our typing.



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